Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why "Adult" Children Should Not Be Allowed On Social Media

Want to hear a funny story? Check it...So there's this sports group I'm in that's quite large. The Admin Team is actually pretty cool except for a couple of idiots but one of them is a complete whackjob. This mofo lies so much he forgets what he lied about and swears he can smack talk/insult. Me and almost everybody & their Mom has owned him multiple times and shut him up. Funny thing is he has no original smack (most likely to the lack of oxygen to that pea brain) and has used MY original smack against me & others like we don't know what we said before. He is hilarious because he truly thinks that he "knows" football & is "somebody" when less than negative 12 people actually REALLY pretend to like him. He copies stuff from other sites and tries to claim it as his own. One time he copied over something that the original writer (an ESPN staff member) wrote so he called him what he is: King Liar Smack Thief.
Since he CANNOT beat me in smack and has some bizarre obsession with me, he tried the sneak tip "delete my posts & call it an accident" trick. But the nimrod totally forgot that when you delete a post, you have to CONFIRM deletion, so either he's lying or is so freaking dumb he can't operate a cellphone. Another lie is that he claimed to attend a certain college 2 years ago yet said today he just enrolled. Oh and this is the kicker: He will instigate s--t, bait and then when he starts getting owned will delete the comments. See now you KNOW only a punk bitch does ish like that.
The reason I'm posting this is to show just how childish this person is and give him that "attention" he so obviously craves from me. He tried to instigate some ish today with a friend and was getting owned (as usual). He insulted me and called himself calling ME out all because I "liked" the person's comments though I had not posted one thing on the thread. I know, juvenile right? So I responded finally, not to him since I ignore people who aren't smart enough to even lie well or operate a cellphone, and told my friend something that shut the nitwit up. He had responded like lightning when my friend commented but when I posted MINE, that nitwit was nowhere to be found (again as usual). So I just had to post this and say I must be one BAD b--tch if I can own your azz AGAIN, get the last word in before the thread is deleted and STILL not acknowledge you! Either that or you really, REALLY suck at attempting to smack & insult. I think it's a little of both  He calls me passive aggressive because I refuse to play his childish games (I'm 45 & it's NOT that serious moron) when that's not the case at all. I just don't waste words on undeserving people that can't spell or comprehend them. I can call you out by name like you attempted to do with me but you won't like it. There's not a step stool or ladder in this universe high enough to get you to MY level so stay down there and play with your crayons, Teddy Ruxpin and those teeny tiny balls. We have adult conversations and we KNOW you are far from that. This video speaks for itself 

Filed Under: Silly Rabbit, Tricks Are For Kids. Oh Yeah, That's What You Are/Don't Get Mad At ME Because YOU'RE Dumb As F--k/Idiots: Can't Shoot Them Without a Felony Charge/ We Don't Care About You LimpD--k or Even Acknowledge You So Why Are You So Desperate For MY Attention? You Got It But Won't Like It/You Got Owned Again/You Are STILL ‪#‎Winless‬

It's Not "Us", It's WE!

Bedtime PSA: All should know by now that I never follow the crowd or popular opinion. I use MY brain and form my own opinion. Sometimes you may not agree but that's why opinions are so awesome: we are all allowed to have one! Now many in MY community i.e. Black love to jump on the bandwagon of a headline without looking into or reading the WHOLE or entire story. My unsolicited advice to you all is to take the time to read BEYOND the headline. Sometimes you will find it's totally or somewhat misleading. Also stop denying the truth about our community and ourselves. So many of you want to act like Blacks are "do no wrongs" 24/7 and that we don't bring some things on ourselves! Yes there are ALWAYS instances of racism, hate & racial profiling. But guess what? It happens to OTHER races too! Don't believe me? Ask the White Mom of the son with tatts, long hair & who plays in a band that gets stopped & searched EVERY week for no reason. Ask the Father of the Muslim child who gets harassed and labeled a terrorist even though he is in the US Military. Ask the Mom of the young Hispanic girl who gets asked for her green card every time she goes out even though she was born in the US. Better yet, ask the parents of the young white teenager who was jumped and beat up by a group of Black kids who recorded it and posted it all over FB. She was watching it as she sat next to his hospital bed. So please, don't act like we're the "only ones" these things are happening to. The reason you hear more about "our" stories? Because that's what the media wants you to focus on and that's what each of us shares on all forms of social media. Don't act like you haven't because we ALL do it. What do you think THEY do? The problem (and the PLAN if you're smart and know the REAL deal) is that we're so busy thinking about "us" that we forget it's "WE". WE are all IN this together and must go through it together and put an end to it TOGETHER! So stop labeling it as Black on Black, White on White, Hispanic on Hispanic, Asian on Asian or any other stupid category or combination. The first word means shyt. It's the second word that you NEED to pay the most attention to! Real Talk! On that, I'm out! Holla!