Monday, December 17, 2012

Sports: Ignorant IS as Ignorant DOES!

Ignorance abounds in spades lately. Parker and crew? They are ALL dumbazz's. Why even make the comment in the first place? There's enough race baiting in life anyway so just talk about what his job is and that's being a QB. Who cares what color he is, what his politics are and what color his fiance' is? What has ANY of that got to do with the way he plays? It was an instigating comment geared to raise ratings which has backfired on them. Sick of a more than a few of the ESPN "analyst's" and the garbage they spew! SMDH!

For the Love of Money!

I woke up this morning and was watching ESPN with my hubby as usual. Watching it made me think just how $$$ driven sports has become. Lakers are straight garbage right now. They spent all this $$ acquiring offensive powerhouses and have ZERO defense! (Should have at least kept Odom lol) The A’s have paid all this $$ to get Hamilton and every other “story” was about all this money being spent to ac...quire ONE “star”. Seems sports has moved away from building TEAMS and are now pinning their hopes for a championship on ONE person instead of a team of players. Instead of winning one they want to buy one.

Maybe that’s why I love college sports so much more. If you’re in my age range (I’m 43 and have been watching and playing sports since the age of 3), you remember the old school. There were always 1 or 2 marquee names but they had a crew around them that made them great. Bulls had Jordan but he had Pippin, Rodman, Corzine, Paxson, Grant, Cartwright, Armstrong, Harper and Kukoc. Celtics had Bird but he had Parrish, McHale, Ainge, Archibald, Cowens, Maxwell, Henderson, Ford and Johnson. Lakers had Magic, Kareem, Worthy, Rambis, Green, Cooper and Scott. Hawks had Dominique, Rivers, Moses, Webb, Augmon and Blaylock. Not to mention the 76’ers, Detroit, Suns and Jazz and the teams they had. Those were TEAMS! Seems the owners and GM’s may want to take a cue from Doc Rivers and see how he’s brought the “old school” back and what happens when you do. They also may want to pay attention to the NHL and what’s happening there. As much as I love basketball and played myself, I boycotted the NBA last season due to yet another strike and the “big baby whining” of the players over $$. I love football too much to boycott it but these lockouts and strikes are becoming too common place. I’ll always like the pros but college sports never have these issues. Hopefully ONE day the pros will realize that “team building” is what got them to where they are now and will be the only way they can “get back” to that point. Sadly, I doubt that will ever happen though. The lure of the almighty $$ is just too strong to overcome common sense! SMDH!

Nerds of the World: UNITE!!

Jason Menssen and I get teased by our friends for being such "nerds" since we watch Discovery, National Geographic, Science Channel, History, etc. We both come from families of educators and teachers & we both love to learn new things. Education does not stop when you graduate from high school or college. Education and learning is a part of our lives from the day we are born to the day we leave Earth. How can you not have the desire to learn more about our world and expand our knowledge and intelligence? If we instill the love of learning in our children, they will grow up to be very well rounded and intelligent people. I challenge you ALL to try and learn something new, no matter what, every day. Just see how a little bit of knowledge will improve you as a person :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012


All, we get many requests to pray for others. Whether it be to overcome illness, find a new job, comfort in times of grief, financial increase in order to pay bills, possible loss of a home, car - whatever! And we always pray when we are asked but OUR prayer is ALWAYS for GOD'S WILL TO BE DONE! We never ask for anything specifically i.e. "Please let so and so get that job" because we have learned that sometimes what WE think is best for us is not GOD'S best for us or what He wants us to have.

For example, years ago I prayed for God to intervene and help me keep my car. It was a little silver VW Golf and I had fallen behind 2 months in payments due to being laid off. I tried everything I could to keep that car! I finally found another job and with my first check had enough to catch up the payments AND even get ahead but in church my pastor, Chris Bianchi was preaching on "First Fruits" which is where you give your "first harvest" BACK to God so he can enrich your future harvest. Well I can tell you I struggled HARD with THAT! lol! But I did it and as you can guess, I "lost" the VW BUT 1 week later I was the proud new owner of an Acura 3.5RL AND had no "repo" on my credit from the VW. IT NEVER APPEARED! If I had done what I wanted to and try to keep my VW, I would not have gotten the increase God had planned for me which is why we pray for HIS WILL to be done ALWAYS!

It's hard to imagine when you're going through it that things CAN get better and that you may be able to have better than what you're trying to hold onto! But I and many others have testimonies that if DOES happen. While you are trying to hold onto to that 2 BR apartment, God may have a 5 BR HOUSE in store for you! While you're trying to hold onto to that 15 year old car, GOD may have a brand new car waiting for you! While you're trying to hold onto to that no good man/woman, GOD may have the man/woman of your dreams waiting for you so please friends, take it from us, pray ONLY for HIS WILL to be done and watch and see the change that happens in your life! Yes, you WILL go through it but you will emerge even better, happier and with increased faith! Take it from me. I’ve "lost" all my material possessions, car, apartment, relationships at various stages in my life but NOW I have a WONDERFUL husband, a beautiful home, a very nice Acura MDX and some AWESOME friends! OUR God is a God of restoration and will restore all that has been lost or taken from you if you truly believe He will and that He loves you above all else!

My prayer now is for anyone who is "going through" anything: illness, job loss, possible foreclosure, broken relationship, financial issues - whatever it may be is that GOD'S WILL be done in each and every situation and that He grants you peace, comfort, strength and wisdom. If you are going through it then feel free to stand in agreement with me with this prayer by commenting below. We pray in the name of Jesus, by the blood of Jesus and with praise and thanks that God’s Will be done in each and every situation that our friends and family may be facing right now. All of our love, thoughts and sincere wishes for good to all of you! AMEN!

Sonya and Jason Menssen

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Politics: So You Want To Leave Now? Cry Me A River You Big Babies!

This is pathetic and shows the mindset and lack of intelligence of anyone who jumps on this particular bandwagon since once again you act without considering the consequences. Please go ahead and secede. You DO realize that by doing that it...
means you will NO LONGER have or receive the following:

No federal disaster relief. No access to government programs that assist farmers during a “bad crop” season. No access to programs that assist children, the poor and elderly. No social security. No government bailouts. No access to education grants. No military protection. No access to the US Treasury. No access to medical programs and much more. States surrounding you would be able to charge you to enter and exit their state plus charge you for access to their roadways, airspace, waterways and electric/gas/oil pipelines. Airlines can charge you international rates and do not HAVE to have a hub in your “country” as well as trains and buses. Phone companies can charge you international and roaming rates (land and cell). The Federal Government can charge you a monthly/quarterly/yearly fee for federally protected land, parks and monuments that reside in your “country”. Companies that you rely on can charge you for power lines, cell towers and underground cables. You will have to create your own currency but what will you use for collateral? OUR country has Fort Knox which houses our gold. Your currency would be worth $0 American. You will be removed from the US power grid which means you will have to find a new source of power, gas and oil or pay international rates for continued access. You would have to make trade agreements with the remaining states in order to get goods that cannot be manufactured in your “country” as well as separate agreements with foreign countries. You will be vulnerable to attack by foreign powers since you will not have military support from OUR country unless we CHOOSE to give it. Also, remember the people who do not want to secede would move to US territory which means increased taxes for those who remain so you all will "foot the bill" for everything a start up “country” will need. Even if a million people moved to your “country”, there would be more leaving than entering to take up residence since they will understand that they NEED these things and will not be able to survive in your “country”. Your people would have to apply for visas in order to work in US territory and would be considered illegal immigrants should they “sneak” into our country. You would have to buy the land on which you live since the majority of land on your “country” actually belongs inherently to the Federal government. Yes, by seceding you will be better off. Just ask the “former” Confederacy and Confederate states how secession worked out for them. Your ignorance astounds me! Do ANY of you have a BRAIN that actually WORKS?

And So The Journey Begins!

Welcome to Intellectual Mind Candy! This is my first blog and boy am I excited! My family and friends have told me for SO long that I need to start a blog so I have stepped out on faith and am following this path to wherever it may lead :) I will share my thoughts and opinions on ANY and every topic I feel like or want to! That's the freedom of having your own blog lol! I can say what I want to, when I want to and will give it to you straight with no chaser! Hope you enjoy this wonderful, wild ride and enjoy my take on sports, politics, entertainment and life in general. My AWESOME husband, Jason Menssen will also be a contributor from time to time so prepare yourself to meet the "Angry Gopher"! lol! Enjoy IMC and my musings and rants at your leisure. Glad to meet you!Hope you stay around :)